‘Respond Academy is an alternative education & youth project based in St Leonard’s On Sea, East Sussex. We aim to provide the opportunity for young people in our community to gain new skills in music, media, & the creative arts.’
Respond Academy is seriously an amazing project and community that is able to find and develop young individuals in their creative paths. Having worked with Respond in the past we have witnessed first hand the ability they have to make great impact into young peoples futures.
They are currently harboring a lot of talent, which in the near future us here at Trap-ped want to help expose. Keep a look out for some of the next up and coming talent from Respond Academy.
Check out their website here at http://respondacademy.com/home/ where you can find case studies of work they have done and also current projects that they are working on.
They are all hosting an online radio station, here is the link http://respondacademy.com/home/rebel-radio/ Current DJ’s on the station include non other than DJ Skitz and Wizard, so get locked in.
To help support the amazing work that Respond to head to their website and press the donate button. Big up!
Here are the details to contact them:
Email: respondacademy1@hotmail.com
Phone: 01424 718235
Silchester Mews
17A Silchester Road
St Leonards On Sea
East Sussex