Paris Couture Fashion Week- Street Style


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Paris couture Fashion week is one of the most anticipated events of the fashion calender, but as time has gone on it is not just what is worn on the runway that we are eager to see. It is now of great interest to us to see what is worn off the catwalks, with the street style of show-goers, designers and bloggers being just as inspirational as the shows themselves. However, such interest in the street style at shows is no longer solely focused upon what women are wearing, but it is now equally inspiring to see what the men are wearing, too.

Over the three days in Paris we saw styles that ranged from amazing tailoring, chunky knits and oversized wool coats, but the biggest trend of all was sportswear. Some wore an eclectic mix of high top trainers with trench coats or blazers, whilst others wore snapbacks whilst rocking a slogan sweatshirt and shirt. Individuality and character really shines through at such high profile Fashion events, which is why it’s so inspiring for multiple fashion focused individuals and up and coming brands.

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Words bye Katie Maloney

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