With its quirky and retro designs, using striking primary colours and playful graphic prints, we checked out some of the latest items from Gemma Sheils creative clothes line, Lazy Oaf. This eccentric and distinguishable brand has had mass appeal to both male and female street wear followers, also recently releasing the popular Looney Toons inspired selection. If you are looking for something fun and alternative to add to your wardrobe, this is definitely a brand for you.
Here are some of our favourites from the online store AW13 collection, but if you have time this Christmas why not pop down to their shop in Soho too.
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- Lazy Oaf Xmas Shop (trappedmagazine.com)
- Lazy Oaf X Looney Tunes Collection (trappedmagazine.com)
- Lazy Oaf Autumn 2013 Lookbook (womens Collection) (trappedmagazine.com)