Stormzy calls NME “Paigons”


Stormzy has already made significant waves in 2017 with his critically acclaimed debut album Gang Signs And Prayers (GSAP), and also revealing his struggle with depression in several interviews. Stormzy (Micheal Omari) was almost universally praised for his revelation, especially due to his musical genre. Grime is not known for it’s emotive side, but focuses more on gritty depictions of life.

Mr Omari seems to follow the mantra of not all good press is good press though. Stormzy was used as the cover artist for NMEs latest edition which focuses on depression. On paper this may seem like a good idea; until you realise Big Mike actually rejected the opportunity to be the cover star which he reveals via Twitter. Predictably the grime prince was furious when he found out. In a string of tweets which you can read below Stormzy verbally attacks NME for the way they used his image.

To Stormzy’s credit he understands that the use of his image will have positive benefits for the readers,  but he has to to weigh the good and the bad. Stormzy may have spoken about his depression before but that doesn’t suddenly give NME the right to use him as the poster boy for depression. Stormzy’s admission was delivered via a controlled message, which is a big difference to the way NME handled Stormzy.

NME responded via their own twitter with a long string of tweets in order to justify their use of Stormzy’s images.

To which the South London artist replied:




NME claim to have had the best intentions in mind, but we believe you should take their words with a pinch of salt. NME is a well established magazine, therefore it is hard to believe they would be surprised at Stormzy’s annoyance; especially after he had already snubbed the publication.

Thanks to celebrities like Stormzy mental illness is becoming more socially accepted. Despite this we must still respect their privacy; which is something NME clearly did not do.