Sony World Photography Awards Exhibition 2013 at Somerset House


This year’s Sony Photography Awards showcased 17 of the world’s best photographs, taken by the most talented and artistic photographers in the world today.


Andrea Gjestvang, 32 year old Norwegian photographer clinched first place with his image of a beautiful teenager comforting her dogs lovingly. She lay resting her comforting arm on top of them as though she is shielding them from evil. This intimate picture denotes a sensitive connection between the owner and her pedigrees.


Gjestvang also secured second place with an image set to captivate and stir emotion in anyone who sees it. He chose an innocent young woman who survived the July 2011 massacre on the island of Utoya, outside Oslo. The plain background which sees a portrait of a woman sharing her scar with the world in the forefront is just breathtaking, it’s as though she is saying… I am stronger, I am still beautiful, every person is too.

Gjestvang is a truly a magnificent photographer, that is the reason why the Sony World Photography Award judges voted unanimously to crown him the Photographer of the year.

Heres some more of our favorites from the exhibition:



The Sony World Photography Awards Exhibition is a part of what the WPO (World, Photography Organisation) do, to find out more and to see more from the exhibition go to

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Written by Miamii Mansour


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