SheOne – Artist GTD Edinburgh


SheOne is a British born artist living in London. He started to write graf under the name of sheOne in the 1980s. In the 90s he helped to found a crew called Transcend Collective, some of the original people experimenting with an abstract style of graffiti. He has been continually developing his style and he shows this in his new range of work.

Gamma Transport Division workshop Edinburgh  are currently hosting a new solo show for the legendary street artist.

In keeping with the theme of the space, his effortless touch is extended to two Dolan bike frames, one skeletal monochrome with trademark sheOne strokes, swallowed into solid black. The other, a speckled desert camo pattern, with an almost organic, eggshell effect. Further references to regeneration, demonstrating life beyond unruly outsider spaces, translated onto functional objects of desire.

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