Magic Stick Entertainment – Make A Statement


Finding fashion brands that have a meaning and a vision behind them seems to be the new it thing. Perhaps we’re tired of fast fashion and wearing what everyone else is wearing, but it seems there are brands out there more interested in selling a point of view and individuality than they are in mass consumption. One of these brands is Magic Stick. They’re known for the parties they host and their musical approach to their designs. Clearly the marriage between fashion and music is one that can’t be ended, and Magic Stick seems to be making the most of it. There is a clear 90’s musical approach to each of their pieces that make them seem timeless and trendy at the same time.

Along with the authenticity prompt, Magic Sticks also promises high quality in their products and a piece of clothing that won’t go out of style, so you can wear it again and again. They don’t believe something should stop being worn after the season is over, especially if it’s produced with high quality materials and has the durability to last you a long time. To put it in their words: “Either you melt to mass or make a statement”. The choice seems obvious to us.

Their latest collection, ‘Quiet Storm’ set for the Spring/Summer 2015 season, is an ode to clean lines and modernistic prints. From the paint splatter print, prominent in several pieces, to the classic plaid print that is set to be one of the biggest SS15 trends, every piece has a unique feel to it. Some of our favourite pieces include the Steel’s overalls and Sick’s Zip Up Hoodie. Both feel impossibly current and timeless at the same time, setting the tone for their creative vision.

You can check out more of the Quiet Storm collection and the brand itself here.

Words: Camilla Abisambra – @thegeek_chick

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