Cyber Bullying |The Threat is Real


It goes without saying that our generation is obsessed with social media; constantly checking and updating the likes of Twitter, Facebook and Instagram. Unfortunately, although it can positively influence us and assist with our day to day life, it also bares with it many negatives; this includes cyber bullying.

The manipulation of fast and direct Social platforms in order to threaten, humiliate and intimidate individuals via social media is a daunting thought but unfortunately, it is the ugly truth within today’s society. Shockingly, statistics reveal that 43% of us have been bullied online.


However, recently there has been a change in laws regarding punishment for cyber bullying; which means that computer cowards could face up to two years in prison.

Although victims of cyber bullying may believe it’s too embarrassing to speak out; tell someone! Don’t let online hatred hinder your capability of happiness and make you a victim behind the comfort of your own devices.

Words: Raeanna Howard

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