Balancing Work and Play at University


When you first arrive at University you pretty much want to party straight away. You meet new friends and become involved in new experiences; which means being away from home for the first time normally results in excessive drinking and partying!

Letting your hair down at Uni is completely normal, however it’s obviously essential that you work hard and strive to achieve the very best you can; you aren’t paying £9,000 for nothing!

So, balancing your social life with work is a must. If you’re a party animal, picking a day or two each week to go out is sensible; ideally a ‘student night’ so that entry and drinks will be student prices!

Attempting to be slightly sensible is always the way forward, try not to go out partying the night before Uni…. There’s a very big chance you may miss your class the next day!

Also, make sure all your work is complete and up to date before you do go out; spending the day in the library may sound boring but it will be worth it when you wake up with a sore head, to realise your work is done!

Words: Raeanna Harward

(Andrew Hancock/Purdue University)



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