Sneakionary – the Comprehensive Guide to Sneaker Terminology


    For those of you that struggle to decipher the jargon used in the sneaker industry, don’t panic as help is finally at hand with the online ‘SNEAKIONARY’ – the Comprehensive Guide to Sneaker Terminology

    The sneaker industry and culture is expanding rapidly, and with that comes the use of new words, or the usage of established words changing to take on sneaker-related definitions.

    Sneakionary is an indispensable resource for Sneakerheads and those who are involved in sneaker culture. Whilst those who are unfamiliar to the industry, can consult Sneakionary the way they would a dictionary, and familiarise themselves with  the language and meanings of the sneaker world.

    Explore this useful resource at SNEAKIONARY.COM and follow them onTwitter 

    Words: Chenade James


    Don’t forget to follow us on Twitter and Instagram @Trappedmagazine


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