Snoop Dogg and The Game Protest Peacefully at LAPD Headquarters


After a lot of Social Media commenting on the shootings of Alton Sterling and Philandro Castile the Game linked up with Snoop Dogg to lead a peaceful protest at the LAPD Headquarters this morning. The protest was coincidentally staged alongside a graduation ceremony for new officers.

Whilst protesting the rappers talked with Mayor Eric Garcetti and LAPD Chief Charlie Beck assuring them that the protest was about “peace, love and happiness” and not about “frustration and anger.”  The Game also commented on Instagram : “We’re here to get some dialogue â€Ĥ some communication.” The Game described the purpose of the protest as:

 “to make the Californian government & its law branches aware that from today forward, we will be UNIFIED as minorities & we will no longer allow them to hunt us or be hunted by us !!! Let’s erase the fear of one another on both sides & start something new here in the city of Los Angeles, a city we all love & share.”

The protest follows an incident at a similar protest in Dallas where five Police officers were killed by snipers, the tension in the aftermath of the murders of Alton Sterling and Philandro Castile is very high and peaceful protests like this help to keep the main objectives of solving problems rather than creating more at the fore front of everyones mind.



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