The Retractable Solar Panel Battery – You Will Never Be Without Battery

Solar Panel Battery

Phone batteries aren’t like the Nokia bricks we used to have as our smartphones contain so many apps, the battery is bound to reduce the more we use it. It is always a constant worry if our phone will die by the time we reach home. Introducing Danish start up infinity PV’s HeLi-on novel portable battery featuring a retractable solar panel, which is the closest we will get to an unlimited charge.

The HeLi-on weighs a mere 103 grams and packs up to 2600 mAh lithium-ion battery that can be charged in 2-3 hours through solar energy. This energy is equivalent to 139% of the iPhone 6 battery capacity. The solar panel battery can be pulled out or wound back into the battery’s original form after a successful use. The product is expected to drop in July 2016. For more information click here.

Words: Jadie White @jadiewhite_



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