Nike accuses former shoe designers of taking secrets to adidas and Sues them for $10million



Ok we are a bit late on this but some developments have happened so we will catch you guys up.

Three of Nikes Former Designers have jumped ship to rival sportswear brand adidas, which in corporate circles is the biggest violation and disrespect you could possibly do and a big embarrassment for Nike, so surprise Surprise Nike have started a lawsuit against all three of the designers, Marc Dolce, Denis Dekovic, and Mark Mine suing them for $10million in damages, why?

Nike say the three secretly started talks with adidas months before leaving them about constructing a design studio for the rival brand, if this true then it breaches their contractual obligations.

adidas have indeed constructed a design lab, they’ll be setting up a new creative design studio in Brooklyn for 2015 according to adidas themselves.

a few day’s ago the trio of designers issued a public statement denying the allegations a direct quote from the statement is:

“We find Nike’s allegations hurtful because they are either false or are misleading half-truths. We did not take trade secrets or intellectual property when we departed Nike in September.”

Well what a big drama in the sportswear and sneaker world!! we will of course keep you updated on this.



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