Ha!! The King is in the building don’t worry he hasn’t gone anywhere just been doing so many things in the Kingdom that is all! So right let’s get into it!!! Did you guys see the pandemonium of the re-release of the now infamous “Triple Black” Huaraches ?? If you didn’t, where were you? cause that release had the UK going nuts!! So it’s only right the King looks at some other Black Trainers for you black on black lovers to feast your eyes on…
 5. “Triple Black” Huarache
Come on I had to put these in the Top 5 ! Hate on these all you want you know it is still a good clean trainer, especially all you guys who are still in secondary school and can get away with wearing a black trainer to school! In September these are gonna be standard school uniform. Oh and for those who missed out they are restocking at JD every month till 2015 so these should be an easy kop!
4. Nike Roshe Run “Triple Black”
So Nikes famous Roshe Model has been graced with some black presence it took Nike long enough, but these are straight Fire!! there is something so subtle about these that they look like they can be worn with everything another one for you back to school heads!!
3. Adidas ZX Flux Black
Could The ZX Flux be the next hype trainer? The way they are going with all the OG releases it definitely could be that next “Go to” trainer ! And to be honest I wasn’t sure about them when they came out but they have grown on me! And now with these Black release it’s fire!! But to let you know there are 2 ZX flux black, the normal triple black and the Footlocker “Back To Black” collection which is better in my opinion let me know yours!!
2. Nike Air Pegasus 83/30 – Black – Wolf Grey
Whoa the Air Pegasus is 30 years old it only feels like they came out yesterday, but like Nike always do they drop colourway after colourway and these Black ( Not Triple Black lol) colour way is so so clean. The Pegasus over the years has been that sleeper Trainer but they always deliver and this colour is a special delivery ! If you don’t know now ya know!!
1. Nike Air Tech Challenge II – Obsidian – Black
Now these have got to be number 1 on any bodies list these are so Nice!!! I did think with all the different Colourways of the Tech Challenge and the price dropping on some that were not shifting, that NIke would hold back but no they didn’t! they going full force and this colourway shows they ain’t playing at all, and so you shouldn’t Nike, give the people what they want!!
That’s All Folks the Black is Back revolution is here and it’s coming in full force.
Keep it Kinging
The King!!

Peace and remember to keep it KING’ING!!

Keep up with the King of Trainers on his Website: 

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