Popular Prints Part 2- Floral


Roses were a massive fashion feature for streetwear brands in 2013, proving one of the most popular prints for many fashion focused individuals. This year new releases take this a step further with a heavy influence on floral themed apparel, from watercolour inspired to more vivid graphic designs, the floral theme gives streetwear a slight vintage edge and also embodies the growth of unisex clothing collections. We have chosen a few up to date examples available now, with no doubt more will follow in the footsteps of some of these innovative designs.
hubert grid
Hubert and Calvin Floral Print T-shirts available at http://www.hubertandcalvin.com/
hype grid
Hype unisex floral baseball t-shirt and blossom cap available at http://store.justhype.co.uk/
10.deep grid
10Deep floral shirt and hoodie available at http://10deep.com/

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