Custom By Dre – Sneaker Customiser ( Interview)


@Custombydre is a trainer customizer whose artistic flare is highlighted in his colourful and detailed designs. Nathan Sandzi gets to know Dre further, finding out how he got into the customizing game and where he finds inspiration.

How did you get in to customizing trainers?

I always loved trainers, drawing and painting.  My friend Carl told me I was good at drawing but I hadn’t yet done anything that someone would look at and say that is sick. I wanted to prove, both to myself and others that I could do this. I started with simple sneaker designs, though now I’ve gained experience i’m able to do more detailed designs.

How has the journey been so far?

The journey hasn’t been easy financially. Initially I didn’t have a job so the materials and stuff I used was simple. I did call upon help from friends, as I lacked support from the family. Eventually I got started and got a few customers, (though not as much as I’d of liked) and I got this thing going.

Where do you hope your skills and talent will take you?

I aim to continue customizing trainers and eventually open a shop. I’d also like to get a position at Nike or Adidas, doing collaborations to get myself noticed.


How would you describe your style?

I believe detail is the key and unlike others I think colour blocking is nice. I would rather have more colours on my shoe that rhyme together putting as much detail as I can. I’d say my style is very detailed and overtime my attention to detail will expand. Practice doesn’t make perfect but improvement. I believe the more I practice the more I improve and the more detailed designs I can produce.

Where do you get your inspiration from?

I usually gain inspiration from my environment and surroundings; I observe what’s around me, noticing interesting scenes around London. Lately it has been landscapes, every time I see something that looks cool, I’ll try to replicate it on a trainer.  I do change some elements so that it is entirely unique and my own expression.

Any advice or tips for other customizers?

Do your research! It’s not just about how good you are; you need to know what’s out there and what’s happening. It’s important you know your competition and ensure that your designs stand out and are on top.

Words & Photography Nicholas Sandzi


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