Introducing: Snapchat – Disappearing Video Chat


Sexting, Self, destructing photos, Online identity’s Dammit we really are back to the Future!

Snapchat is here and its success really lets us know that there are a lot of horny people out there that need to share their frustrations ASAP!

This is an Iphone and Android app created and developed by two Stanford University students Evan Spiegel and Bobby Murphy.

Now we at Trapped are thinking, what would you really be sending that you want to self destruct other than porn? Damn society is becoming a place where even your gadgets are encouraging you to just have sex, sex, sex.


The highlights of this photo messaging application are that it syncs with your contact list in a similar way to Whatsapp, you can choose how long your sent pics can be viewed before they self destruct between one and ten seconds and if the recipient then takes a screenshot and tries to keep a little wank material for themselves you are notified. Snapchat was launched in Sept 2011 and by May the following year 25 pics were being sent per second, by November 2012, 20 million pics were being sent a day. Damn people have got time on their hands!



So have you used this? ( You can tell us, we wont judge). Do you like the idea of self destructing photos and sexting? Let us know by leaving a comment.



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