Kendrick Lamar Breaks Down Tracks From ‘To Pimp A Butterfly’, Reveals Original Album Title


The Album that is the topic of conversation everywhere right now is Kendrick Lamar’s ‘To Pimp a Butterfly’ after two weeks of allowing his fans to digest the album Kendrick sat down with MTV to go into depth about why he chose the title, the album cover art and also breaking down specific tracks from the album.

Kendrick peaking on “Wesley’s Theory”:

“This is one of my favorite records off the joint. The lyrics is me going back to that feeling of what I wanted to do when I got signed. You go back to that same mentality when you get some money. I’m gonna do this for the homies. I’m gonna take them around the world and let them see things they haven’t seen before. 

“The overall theme of the record, why I love it so much, is because it talks about something we weren’t taught in school when we get this money. I spent all my time in school and escaping prison and escaping the system. So you mean to tell me the moment I become successfully and I get some money and I don’t know how to manage this money, you’re going to throw me back in jail for taxes?”

On “King Kunta:

“I wanted it to be not as complex as a lot of my lyrics but still have a message to it. I wanted to make that real simplistic in a boastful way but also having a sense of integrity behind it. I’ve been called many things growing up. In the state of being a black man I’ve been called many things. It’s taking that negativity and being proud of it and making into your own, saying I am a king no matter what you call me. I think it really just shows heart.

Watch part one, and we’ll keep you updated when part two drops.




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